Through “Crisis on Infinite Earths,” The Arrowverse Universe introduces another DC Comics character called Stargirl. The original name of Courtney Whitmore was inspired to be superheroine after gaining the Cosmic Staff, a mysterious cane. In addition to appearing in the crossover in question, Stargirl – played by Brec Bassinger – is also present in his own series. Starting airing on 18 May last, Stargirl received a warm welcome from the audience and was seen as a classy family impression.
Some time ago, Cinemags (represented by Nuty Laraswaty) and a number of other mediums had the opportunity to interview Stargirl’s main star, Brec Bassinger. Through the interview, the actress excommunicated various things around the series and the characters she played. Here is the trailer.
What pressure do you feel, playing as a character beloved by the fans for 21 years?
Brec Bassinger: Oh my gosh. Honestly, I felt honored. I feel if we play as a superhero, then our name will appear in a kind of “forever list” and will never disappear. For example, if we will find a list of certain people when Google is the name of the actors Batman. So, the fact that I was forever recorded in history as one of Stargirl’s actors, was an honour for me.
Stargirl and Supergirl are DC series that both have strong female characters. What do you think is the distinguishing factor between the two?
Brec Bassinger: One thing that distinguishes Stargirl from other series (especially Supergirl) is its tone, which is inspired by the 80-style films. In addition, the fact that Courtney is a high school student is also a distinct differentiator. Because, he has to balance his life as a superhero and a pupil with all his busy things. No other series has such an atmosphere, and I think that’s a special quality (Stargirl-red).
How are you preparing yourself for your role? Do you undergo gymnastics exercises or anything?
Brec Bassinger: Actually, I grew up while studying gymnastic, so I felt pede with the side of the Stargirl that was. But they (studio-red) required me to undergo training as we began to focus on the fight against the Bo staff. Because Stargirl had the Cosmic Staff and I had to wear it; And it’s not easy. So we focus on it. In addition, I had a stunt double that made me look more awesome, so thank you Kristina (Baskett-red) for having done so.
What do you think of Courtney’s character, is there a similarity to yourself?
Brec Bassinger: I guess, our biggest equation is always see the best of someone. Sometimes, my boyfriend is upset to see people do not good, but I always say “there may be certain reasons why he does it.” And such is the nature of Courtney.
Then, answering the question about which part of Courtney is the most exciting, is the optimism like a child. Sometimes he does something without thinking first, and it often makes him stumble into trouble. But in my opinion, such spontaneity is the best way to live our lives.
Why did you decide to join the project?
Brec Bassinger: Because they offer a job (laughs). But beyond that, I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe that this is exactly what I should do. I remember the first time meeting showrunner Geoff Johns, and he described me episode by episode. Seeing his passion for the project made me come excited to work for and with him.
What do you think of this series that would make the audience surprised?
Brec Bassinger: Ugh, it was hard to answer, because I didn’t want to expose everything. But if you look at episode 3, which is already airing, you will know that no one is safe. No matter who you are, everyone can be turned off, and that’s what will happen throughout the season.
I remember, I guess that episode 10, I’m reading the script and I’m very surprised. I can’t believe what’s happening, and I hope the audience also reacts that way.
Aired on The CW, Stargirl’s first season would consist of 13 episodes. “Hourman and Dr. Mid-Nite” As the fifth episode, the most recent episode to be aired