Around 2011, there was a very memorable film titled The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. The Film is portrayed by Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff, Robin Wright. The Film is based on The book by Stieg Larsson titled The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo In 2018, The Film The Girl in the Spider's Web was screened. Precisely around the month of November 2018.What is it About to do with the movie The Girl in the spider's Web with The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo? The Girl in the spider's Web The similarities are, the character in the film is based on the book by David Lagercrantz, which is a continuation of the manuscript not published by Stieg Larsson. For those who enjoy reading will know, what awards are gained in relation to this series. As if adjusting to the state of the author, the player changed its composition to Claire Foy, Sverrir Gudnason, LaKeith Stanfield, Sylvia Hoeks, Stephen Merchan While watching the movie, I felt very tense to carry the groove in the story, so that one of my friends missed with the comments, "tense and serious at all". Yes, because it feels not able to stop watching until it is finished. Scene after scene is intertwined with fun and exciting. I was brought into the world of darkness, where when it came into the organization, it had to follow all the rules and commandments. If not done, then death in a tragic way and even the terrible torment that is permanent in the body will befall. I also see the strategy of games done here, to families who understand compassion by mastering even hurt. When the madness is pervasive, the sense of one seems to be buried at the very bottom of the logic and humanity.But all of this dark storyline is very appealing, making me no power to stop watching until it runs out.Highly recommended, for fans of the movie "Thriller" Synopsis: Frans Balder, a computer genius creates a computer program with a password that can only be opened with his autistic child language. This computer Program is able to make its master change the world system, because it can access the world nuclear code. The program was made at the request of the National Security Agency (NSA) Lisbeth Salander then hired by Frans Balder to take back the program because Frans Balder considers the program too dangerous to exist. Lisbeth managed to retrieve the program from the NSA server, attracted the attention of agent Edwin Needham, but was unable to unlock, and the program was later stolen from him by a mercenary led by Jan Holtser, who also attempted to kill Lisbeth. When he did not attend the schedule of their meeting, Frans Balder assumed Lisbeth decided to keep the Programl for himself and contacted Gabrielle Grane, deputy director of the Secret Service of Sweden, for assistance. Meanwhile, Edwin Needham arrives in Stockholm in disguise to find Lisbeth and his program. Frans Balder, discovering that one company, aided by a corrupt official in the NSA, has stolen an invaluable secret from other companies. A hitman was sent to silence Frans Balder. The boy, who watched the attack but survived, proved to be an intelligent man, an almost clever man in drawing and mathematics. Because he might be able to draw an accurate picture of his father's murderers, the hitman returned. But at that time, the fearless Saller was there to protect her. Click here for the original page