Malcom &Marie is a Netflix original film that premiered on February 5, 2021.
The film attracted attention in the form of its black and white look, as if the black and white film is currently trending as it did in the early epsisode of WandaVision.
The film’s storyline is about a director named Malcom (John David Washington), who has just returned from the premiere of his film followed by a banquet with his partner Marie (Zendaya)
As the opening sentence Malcom who is tired and a bit drunk also expressed his heart to Marie, expressing disappointment, cynical feelings to his feelings of pride to Marie who was preparing Mac &Cheese for Malcom.
Malcom felt that all her words were not so responded to by Marie, she began to try to make Marie express her feelings. Marie also tried to resist and stalled to convey her feelings, because she felt the moment was not right and she was holding herself back from expending the emotions she felt. But as Malcom constantly pushed her, Marie continued to expend all her emotions from slowly until it became flowing continuously like water coming out of a leaking dam.
The dialogue between Malcom &Marie is formed with a flow of feeling, forgiving, reconciling then repeating itself as the audience is taken following Marie’s dark life journey at the beginning of their meeting and then decide to be together as a couple.
Interestingly, the intertwined dialogue actually shows the pair paying attention to each other, because only the words of a loved one usually feel painful or enlightening, opening up the entire original personality that usually appears by wearing a mask.
The formula is always the same – that is, Marie who feels unsatisfied continues to vent all the feelings that she has been keeping, always open the beginning of the conflict and then resolved firmly by Malcom so as to lead to peace.
With a duration of 1 hour 40 minutes and dialogue between couples that dominate the entire plot of the film, then precisely this film is suitable to be watched for couples who are facing problems, in order to be a reflection of the feelings of each woman and man who are different points of view, but actually complement each other.
The image display is interesting and beautifully viewed, able to make a new contribution among the forest of color films that are currently raining down on the world community. Zendaya and John David Washington in the film in addition to being the main cast, also participated in the production process.
Category : movies